The Silver Coast Sirens have appointed their first ever committee members. Having officials in place means that we can share the work load to attract more players and more teams to play netball in Portugal. Read on for a taste of what's to come.....
It’s taken 5 years since the club was founded for the first ever Portugal only tournament to take place, but now that netball is growing in Portugal we want to continue to build on that momentum…. the dream is to host our our own “return” tournament here on the Silver Coast one day...and to make sure the club can continue to flourish we've got a head of umpiring and coaching
We looked like a team when we went to the Algarve, so we’re investigating what it takes to get our own Silver Coast Sirens kit, and we're looking forward to making some announcements later in the year.
Organising social events takes a special kind of individual, so we've got someone taking charge of the end of season & Christmas do’s…. and you might have noticed that things have been a bit busier on our facebook page.... we've now got a media officer to try and drum up a bit of publicity for the Silver Coast Sirens.
On top of all that, with outgoings like hall hire, bibs & other equipment it’s important we’re keeping our MONEY organised, so that’s in the hands of a finance officer.
The club rules and roles are detailed in our newly documented constitution, and normations will be opened for voting for a new committee at the end of the 2023/24 season.